How We Rebuilt a Social Audio Platform

About Limor

Limor is a new social audio platform that lets users instantly record, edit, share and interact with their voice straight from a phone. Unlike traditional podcasting, Limor is an interactive social audio experience. It uses the power of speech to help users meet new people, broaden their network, find new information and spark real and meaningful audio conversation.

The Challenge

After its initial launch in 2016, Limor had tasted initial success with a decent user base. However, it lost traction over the next few years owing to its obsolete UI and infrequent updates.

The flexibility and convenience provided by Limor was underutilized because of the limitations posed by its UI. The application demanded a much more modern and intuitive user interface.

In addition, the Ruby programming language used for server-side code wasn’t ideal for a social media platform. Also, the database needed some tweaks to remove redundancy to ensure performance when new features are added. Lastly, the data needed to be migrated into the new system to ensure continuity for all the existing users.

The Solution

Built a hand picked team specifically for this client

Proposed a total revampofUI/UX for a more advanced look and feel

Adopted a micro services based approach for backend for scalability and flexibility.

Replaced the traditional A Player with GraphQL for superior performance of client apps across devices and better team productivity.

Replaced the VM based backend in Heroku with a scalable architecture built using Kubernetes + API gateway in GCP

Improved the data base design by removing redundant columns and using normalization techniques.

As a result, we launched the new mobile applications that existing users can seamlessly start using and any new users can sign up and create their content effortlessly.

Key Results

More than 2,00,000 application downloads within 6 months of relaunch.

In the process of raising Series-A funding.

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